Working Group To Be Active at People’s Global Action, HLD

Blog | PGA

August 20, 2013

The Women and Global Migration Working Group, which convenes the Caucus, will have an active presence at the People’s Global Action on Migration, Development and Human Rights (29 September – 4 October, New York) through workshops, plenary, a press conference to share the global advocacy document, and a women and migration caucus.  Members will also participate in the United Nations High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development (3-4 October, New York) in the plenary and round tables.

The Working Group is represented on the Civil Society Steering Committee for the UN High Level Dialogue, and helped to plan civil society presence at the UN Civil Society Interactive Hearing for the HLD on July 15, 2013 in New York.  The Working Group gathered global input and presented priority concerns on point 4 of the civil society “8 point plan for a 5 year agenda”, and hosted the Women and Migration Caucus with 45 women in attendance.

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