Support Migrant Women’s Human Rights!

During this “Human Rights Week”, the Women in Migration Network is releasing a series of videos and graphics calling attention to the urgency to ensure human rights protections for women in migration.

For 9 days – from International Human Rights Day (December 10) through International Migrants Day (December 18), WIMN will be posting daily through social media — please join us!

This campaign will contribute to bringing an intersectional approach to international migration policy, and to make the intersectional realities of women in migration more visible. It is inspired by the outcomes of a series of regional and thematic dialogues organized by WIMN during 2021. 


We’re happy to share this video for International Human Rights Day. The video introduces key issues facing migrant women, whose rights and voices need to be at the center of the migration debate. WIMN calls for an intersectional approach towards migration policies and to promote migrant women’s human rights, respect and dignity.

Look for our daily posts from WIMN on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. And please share/repost on your personal and/or organizational social media platforms.

Remember to click here to watch the video!

More videos and graphics will be posted throughout the week. We encourage you to share them! Some hashtags to consider:

#migration #migrantwomen #gender #intersectionality #feminism #humanrights #InternationalHumanRightsDay #HumanRightsDay2021

Day-by-day posts:

Friday, December 10:

Overview video:

Graphic (above):

Saturday, December 11:

Graphic in 3 languages:










Sunday, December 12:

Graphic in 3 languages:


This is why we need a new approach to discuss, create and implement migration policies – a feminist intersectional approach that considers the multiple experiences, including violence and rights violations that women from different races, gender identifications, ages, nationalities, and religions face.

Only when these multiple experiences are considered, can effective policy responses be created to ensure their right to migrate and enjoy violence-free lives.

Do you agree?

#migrantwomen #migration #endviolence #feminism #gender


C’est pourquoi nous avons besoin d’une nouvelle approche pour discuter, créer et mettre en œuvre des politiques migratoires – une approche féministe intersectionnelle qui tient compte des expériences multiples et des violences subies par les femmes de races, de sexes, d’âges, de nationalités et de religions différents.

Ce n’est que lorsque les multiples formes de violence et de discrimination qui affectent les femmes migrantes sont identifiées que des politiques peuvent être créées pour promouvoir leur droit à migrer et à une vie sans violence.

Êtes-vous d’accord ?

#migration #femmesmigrantes #genre #intersectionnalité #féminisme 


Por esta razón necesitamos un nuevo enfoque para discutir, crear e implementar políticas migratorias – un enfoque feminista interseccional que tome en cuenta las múltiples experiencias y violencias que enfrentan las mujeres de distintas rázas, géneros, edades, nacionalidades y religiones.

Sólo cuando se identifiquen las múltiples violencias y discriminaciones que afectan a las mujeres migrantes se podrán crear políticas que promuevan su derecho a migrar y a una vida libre de violencias.

¿Estás de acuerdo?

#mujeresmigrantes #migración #bastadeviolencia #feminismo #género

Monday, December 13

Labor Rights Video:

Migrant women and gender non-conforming persons face unequal working conditions.





Tuesday, December 14

Graphic in 3 languages


Migration and migration policies are in the news, electoral agendas, and public debates. But…when was the last time you heard what migrant women had to say about it? Let’s make room for the voices of migrant women. #migration #migrantwomen #gender #intersectionality #feminism



Les migrations et les politiques migratoires sont au cœur de l’actualité, des programmes électoraux et des débats publics. Mais…quand avez-vous entendu ce qu’une femme migrante avait à dire à ce sujet? Créer un espace pour que les voix des femmes migrantes soient entendues. #migration #femmesmigrantes #genre # intersectionnalité #féminisme 



La migración y las políticas migratorias están en las noticias, agendas electorales y debates públicos. Pero …cuándo fue la última vez que escuchaste lo que una mujer migrante tenía que decir al respecto? Abramos espacio para escuchar las voces de las mujeres migrantes. #migración #mujeresmigrantes #género #interseccionalidad #feminismo


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