WIMN in the News: IMRF puts global spotlight on migration

Blog | GCM

April 8, 2022

WIMN members Carol Barton, WIMN’s co-convenor, and Neha Misra of Solidarity Center recently spoke with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) about the expectations towards the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF), the first review of the UN’s Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, approved by states in December 2018. They commented on the problem of shrinking spaces at the UN and the key recommendations of the “Spotlight Report on Global Migration”, soon to be published by FES and the Global Coalition on Migration, where WIMN is a member and a contributor to the report, which will be released on April 28. FES also spoke with Stéphane Jaquemet of the International Catholic Migration Commission – ICMC, also a member of the coalition. The IMRF will take place in New York On May 17-22.

Read the interview here.

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