Read WIMN’s statement on the International Day of Care and Support:
Putting Care Work at the Center of Society and Economy –
Let’s Value It!
(In English, Spanish, French & Arabic)

Putting care work at the center of society and economy. Let’s value it! (English)
Poner el trabajo de cuidados en el centro de la sociedad y la economía. ¡Valorémoslo! (Spanish)
Plaçons le travail des soins à la personne au cœur de la société et de l’économie. Valorisons-le! (French)
وضع أعمال الرعاية في وسط المجتمع والاقتصاد. علينا تقديرها! (Arabic)
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Share the messages!
Click here to access social media tool kit. (English)
Día Internacional del Cuidado y el Apoyo – Plan de RRSS (Spanish)

The United Nations recently approved Resolution 54/6:
The Centrality of Care and Support from a Human Rights Perspective
Access the resolution, available in multiple languages, here.
United Nations Background on the International Day of Care and Support