WIMN Input to CMW/CERD joint comment on xenophobia and impact on rights of migrants, their families and other non-citizens affected by racial discrimination

In March 2024 WIMN provided input to the UN Committee on Migrant Workers (CMW) and Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) joint comment “on public policies for addressing and eradicating xenophobia and its impact on the rights of migrants, their families and other non-citizens affected by racial discrimination”.

WIMN provided this overall introduction to its contribution:

“Addressing xenophobia, gender discrimination, and racial discrimination requires comprehensive and intersectional policies that recognize the complex interactions between different forms of oppression and privilege. These forms of oppression are deeply interconnected and mutually reinforcing.

“Global inequalities, gender inequalities, the impact of historical legacies of colonialism and systemic racism interact with and are root causes of xenophobia. An intersectional approach needs to consider and to examine historical inequalities and structures, including social and political structures, for evidence of built-in racism and xenophobia, and not just the cumulative disadvantages or injustices.

“Migrant women and LGBTIQ+ migrants are particularly impacted by xenophobia due to intersecting forms of discrimination based on their gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and immigration status, among other intersecting forms of discrimination. These groups are disproportionately targeted for violence, harassment, and hate crimes motivated by xenophobia and intolerance. They may face physical, verbal, and sexual abuse due to their perceived foreignness, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

“Xenophobia can create barriers to accessing essential services and support for migrant women and LGBTIQ+ migrants. They may encounter discrimination and hostility when seeking healthcare, housing, legal assistance, or social services, which can prevent them from accessing the resources they need…”

The document (in English) can be read and downloaded here.

A Spanish translation of the document (via DeepL.com) is available here.

Una traducción al español del documento (vía DeepL.com) está disponible aquí.


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