Decent Work at the Nexus Between Climate Change and Migration

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), a WIMN member, has recently published a new policy brief that explores the intersection of climate change and migration, and implications for labor.

Read and download the report (available in Arabic and English)

From the Introduction:

“Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, affecting ecosystems, economies, communities and workers across the globe. The adverse effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels, extreme weather events, floods, prolonged droughts, and other environmental stresses are increasingly forcing people to move from their homes and communities in search of a stable environment to rebuild their lives. These movements, whether within or across borders are often referred to as climate-driven migration or displacement…

“This document outlines solutions offered by trade unions in response to these challenges, placing human and labour rights at the centre of all policies concerning climate, migration and labour. The proposed solutions aim to break the silos between these policy areas and highlight the importance of social dialogue between governments, employers and workers to achieve lasting results that leave no one behind. results that leave no one behind…”

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