Laguna Larga resists displacement

Voices from the Frontlines: Latin America

The Mayan community resists displacement

In early May 2024, the Women in Migration Network hosted the second dialogue in its series on Climate Change, Gender and Migration, this one focused on the experiences of the Mayan community of Laguna Larga, resisting displacement from Guatemala to Mexico.

WIMN is organizing this series to expand and deepen the understanding of our members and allies of climate change, and in the context of Laguna Larga, environmental degradation, and the  implications for displacement and migration. The process is also contributing to WIMN’s initiative to shape an intersectional, feminist migration policy.

The first dialogue was held in November 2023: Climate, Gender and Migration: Realities and Feminist Responses. You can see the material coming out of this one here. Upcoming dialogues will focus on experiences in Asia and in Africa.

This dialogue produced the graphic poster below, available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish, which you can view and download as a PDF.

A 6-page graphic summary in the four languages is also available (see below). Supplemental materials, including  presentations, photos and other background materials, can be found here.

View and download the 6-page graphic summary above in Arabic, French or Spanish.

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