WIMN Input to CMW/CERD joint comment on xenophobia and impact on rights of migrants, their families and other non-citizens affected by racial discrimination
Blog, Theme: Building Analysis, Theme: Policy Advocacy
In March 2024 WIMN provided input to the UN Committee on Migrant Workers (CMW) and Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)...
WIMN Members at the Global Forum on Migration & Development – January 2024
Blog, GFMD, Latest, Theme: Policy Advocacy, Theme: Women's Voices
Some 20 Women in Migration Network members converged in Geneva at the end of January for the 14th Global Forum on Migration and Development, or...
WIMN end-of-year letter 2023
Clic aquí para leer en español On December 10, we celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which grounds our...
Is the world delivering on the Global Migration Compact?
Blog, GCM, Theme: Building Analysis, Theme: Women's Voices
Late 2021, the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women conducted a simple exercise within our network of women migrant workers. We asked them what they expect from the UN’s first-ever International Migration Review Forum. The IMRF, which begins on Tuesday, is a...
WIMN in the News: IMRF puts global spotlight on migration
WIMN members Carol Barton, WIMN's co-convenor, and Neha Misra of Solidarity Center recently spoke with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) about the expectations towards the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF), the first review of the UN's Global Compact for Safe,...
WIMN Members Speak at Launch of Gender Guidelines for Global Compact
Blog, GCM, Theme: Policy Advocacy, Theme: Women's Voices, UN Migration Network
Members of WIMN shared their perspectives on July 21 during the High Level Launch of the Policies and Practice: A Guide to Gender-Responsive Implementation of the Global Compact for Migration. The virtual event was hosted by UN Women and UN Network on Migration. The...
A Feminist Lens on Migration & Trade
Blog, Building Analysis + Labor Rights, Feminist Organizing + Labor Rights, Policy Advocacy + Labor Rights, Theme: Feminist Organizing, Theme: Women's Voices, Women's Voices + Labor Rights
On 9 April, 2021, Women in Migration Network and the Gender and Trade Coalition hosted an international webinar on global migration and trade -- with a feminist lens! Thanks to all who participated in this dynamic session. A video of the webinar can be viewed here. An...
No Borders to Equality: Global Mapping of Organizations Working on Gender and Migration
Newly Updated Interactive Map! Rising inequalities around the world, exacerbated by the global coronavirus pandemic, have heightened the need for strong, independent, civil society–driven efforts to ensure rights-based and gender-responsive national and regional...
#MeToo: Rural Women, Migrant Women, Sexual Assault, Access to Justice
Please Join the Women in Migration Network (WIMN) UN-CSW 62 Parallel Event Thursday, 15 March, 10:30am – 12:00pm Chapel (ground floor), Church Center for the United Nations, E 44th Street and First Avenue The Context: As reports emerge about sexual harassment and...
First WIMN Newsletter
Keep up to date with all our latest news and activities by subscribing to our monthly newsletter. We will be keeping members informed of all the crucial developments on gender in the migration sector. To read our August bulletin on our issue briefs for the...
Solidarity Center Addresses GCM Thematic IV
Neha Misra addressed the Fourth Thematic Event in preparation for the UN Global Compact on Migration, held at UN Headquarters in NY from 24-25 July. She spoke on behalf of the Solidarity Center, an international labor rights NGO and part of the global labor movement...
WIMN Launches Issue Briefs for GFMD
Archives, Blog, GCM, GFMD, Resources
The tenth edition of the Global Forum on Migration & Development is being held from 28-30 June 2017 in Berlin, Germany. The Civil Society Days take place from 29 June to July 1, to be followed by the People's Global Action on Migration, Development and Human...
UN Women and WIMN Side Event at GFMD
UN Women and the Women in Migration Network (WIMN) will host a side event at the Tenth Global Forum for Migration and Development, Common Space on Friday, 30 June in Berlin on Strategic Approaches for a Gender- Responsive Global Compact for Migration. UN Women...
WIMN at III Thematic Session for GCM
Members of the Women in Migration Network (WIMN) spoke at the Third informal thematic session in Geneva on 19-20 June, 2017, in preparation for the Global Compact on Migration. This session focused on International co-operation and governance of migration in all...
WIMN Annual Report 2016
The Women in Migration Network Annual Report on Activities in 2016. In 2016 the network organized around the: UN Coordination Meeting on International Migration (February, New York) UN Commission on the Status of Women (March, New York) Civil Society Hearing for UNGA...