Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) has just published this article by Priyanka Kapar, an FES Program Officer for the Regional Gender Justice Project in Asia at FES Nepal. Priyanka atttended last month's Feminist Forum on Migration and Displacement -- co-organized by WIMN...
Theme: Sectors
Filipino fisherfolk facing displacement & strategies of resistance
Land reclamation projects in Manila Bay: Filipino fisherfolk facing displacement & strategies of resistanceJoin us on Monday, 27 January, 13:00 - 14:30 UTC Please register to receive Zoom link!WIMN's third cross-sectoral dialogue will get a closer look at...
Happy New Year from Women in Migration Network
As we turn the corner to a new year, Women in Migration Network sends a message of solidarity, justice and peace to our friends, colleagues, and partners. We wish you all much happiness and health in 2025 and beyond and share our gratitude for your support and...
WIMN’s 2024 End-of-the-Year Wrap Up
2024 has been an inspiring and impactful year for Women in Migration Network (WIMN), capped by the Feminist Forum on Migration and Displacement (FFMD) in Bangkok, Thailand, just concluded this month. It could not have been a more fitting culmination of this busy year....
WIMN’s message to AWID closing plenary: Migration is a feminist issue
At the closing plenary of the AWID (Association for Women's Rights in Development) Forum on 5 December in Bangkok, WIMN Board member Nalishha Mehta, also representing the Solidarity Center, shared this message: Migration is a feminist issue. In our current...
Statement from the Feminist Forum on Migration and Displacement
Solidarity, Dignity and Equity for Women and Gender Diverse Migrants! [See links below to download this statement as a PDF in Arabic, English, French and Spanish. Bahasa, Russian and Thai coming soon.] Women and gender diverse migrants, migrant activists and...
Support WIMN in Building a Feminist Migration Policy
On Giving Tuesday, please make a donation to Women in Migration Network! Help to support our work to build an intersectional feminist migration policy agenda and lift up the voices, organizing and advocacy of grassroots women in migration as we build a future of...
Enthusiastic Conclusion to Feminist Forum on Migration and Displacement
Join Thousands at AWID Forum in Bangkok The Feminist Forum on Migration and Displacement (FFMD) wrapped up two days of interactive and participatory discussions and strategizing over the weekend in Bangkok. Then, many of the more than 130 participants readied...
WIMN Leads Global Gathering in Bangkok: Feminist Forum on Migration and Displacement Brings Advocates from 35+ Countries
PRESS RELEASE November 27, 2024 Over 130 migrant and feminist organizers from more than 35 countries will convene in Bangkok for the Feminist Forum on Migration and Displacement (FFMD), taking place from November 30 to December 1. Hosted by the Women in Migration...
Migration and Trade – a new explainer
WIMN recently worked with Regions Refocus on publication of a new trade "explainer" on Migration and Trade -- one in a series produced by the Gender and Trade Coalition. The explainer provides strategic policy proposals to promote rights-based, gender-responsive...
Laguna Larga resists displacement
Voices from the Frontlines: Latin America The Mayan community resists displacementIn early May 2024, the Women in Migration Network hosted the second dialogue in its series on Climate Change, Gender and Migration, this one focused on the experiences of the Mayan...
Ante desplazamiento por cambio climático, mujeres y niñas enfrentan mayores secuelas: IMUMI
Women and girls face greater consequences due to displacement due to climate change: IMUMI By Arantza Diaz in Insurgencia Magisterial, July 12, 2024 WIMN member, el Instituto para las Mujeres en la Migración (IMUMI), is featured in this article exploring the the...
Decent Work at the Nexus Between Climate Change and Migration
The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), a WIMN member, has recently published a new policy brief that explores the intersection of climate change and migration, and implications for labor. Read and download the report (available in Arabic and English) From...
IDWF: Domestic Workers and the Care Economy
The International Domestic Workers federation, a WIMN member, has produced this position paper in preparation for the General Discussion on Decent Work and the Care Economy at the 112th International Labour Conference in Geneva in early June 2024. Domestic...
WIMN Calls for an Immediate, Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza and an End to Occupation
A Statement from the Women in Migration Network (In Arabic, English, French and Spanish. See links below) The Women in Migration Network (WIMN) calls for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza; cessation of military funding to Israel; and an end to the...
Reflections of the 14th GFMD Civil Society Intersectional Rapporteur on Gender
During the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) held in Geneva earlier this year, Vani Saraswathi of and a member of WIMN's Board of Directors, served as a civil society "Gender Rapporteur", alongside rapporteurs focused on youth and on...
Climate, Gender and Migration: Realities and Feminist Responses
In November 2023, WIMN -- in collaboration with WEDO and other allies -- organised the first of four cross-sectoral dialogues: Climate, Gender and Migration: Realities and Feminist Responses. We are planning three more such dialogues throughout the rest of 2024.We...
WIMN at the UN Commission on the Status of Women – CSW68
Women in Migration Network and members will participate in several activities commemorating International Women's Day and the convening of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) in New York. The CSW meets March 11 - 22, 2024. Selected Side Events: GenMig...
‘Gender-responsive’ is Not Enough
This article was prepared for Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung (FES) and appeared on their website on 22 January 2024: Here is the text of the...
WIMN Members at the Global Forum on Migration & Development – January 2024
Some 20 Women in Migration Network members converged in Geneva at the end of January for the 14th Global Forum on Migration and Development, or GFMD. The Summit included government delegations and stakeholders from various regions and civil society sectors. WIMN ...