The intersection of climate change, gender and migration provides an essential context and focal point for WIMN’s framework, analysis and advocacy priorities. We are working to better understand the impact of environmental and climate-related related factors on the lives of communities — and how these conditions inform urgent responses and policy needs on displacement and migration. This intersection critically shapes our strategic work for a feminist migration policy. We include here our related activities, statements and various resources authored by WIMN members, partners and allies.
Intersectoral Dialogues on Climate Change, Gender and Migration
WIMN is working collaboratively with members, allies and grassroots organizations to raise awareness on this intersection by looking to on-the-ground experiences of communities in different parts of the world. These realities spotlight not only the injustices and trauma that communities face, but also the fightback and resistance strategies of women and their communities. Graphic summaries and other background materials are available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish.

In November 2023, WIMN convened the first of four cross-sectoral dialogues: Climate, Gender and Migration: Realities and Feminist Responses. Three more such dialogues are planned for 2024-2025. The summary was produced by WIMN and WEDO, and draws from the work of DIVA for Equality, the Women and Gender Constituency, Feminist Action Nexus for Economic and Climate Justice and generations of feminist activists working for climate justice, primarily in the global Majority.

Laguna Larga resists displacement was the subject of WIMN’s second cross-sectoral dialogue, held in May 2024. Organized in collaboration with ACCSS, Indignación, Bloque Latinoamericano de migración, MADRE and RESAMA, the dialogue drew from the resistance of the Laguna Larga Mayan community of Guatemala and from the work of many people supporting them in their struggle against displacement.

Migration, Displacement & Human Rights in West Asia and Asia Pacific regions: the Climate Crisis and its Impact on Women’s Livelihoods

In January 2023, WIMN hosted this webinar focused on the West Asia and Asia Pacific regions. The webinar complemented a similar event WIMN held during the March 2022 UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66) (see below), but because of time zone issues, these regions, highly impacted by climate change, had not been able to fully participate.
Women leaders shared rich insights and reflections, describing the impact of climate change on basic resources, especially food and fresh water, and triggering population displacement. And they spoke to how women are taking the lead in activities to protect the environment and hence, their lives. A report from the webinar is available in Arabic, Bahasa, English, French, Spanish and Tagalog.

CSW 2022: Migration, displacement& women’s human rights in the climate crisis
During the UN Commission on the Status of Women in 2022 (CSW66), Women in Migration Network organized a virtual side event featuring grassroots leaders. Their timely presentations and discussion described how climate change & extreme weather events impact women’s livelihoods–and how they are responding.

Statements and Resources
We include here statements from WIMN, publications and other resources from WIMN members, partners and allies.
WIMN Statements and Briefs
Policy Demands: Gender, Climate and Migration A collaboration among Women in Migration Network (WIMN) members and observers for the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68). Launched at an NGO-CSW Parallel Event on March 11, 2024, “Climate, Gender, Migration: Public Services, Decent Work & Rights-Based Pathways. [FRANÇAIS] [ESPAÑOL]
Int’l Women’s Day 2022: Responding to Intersecting Global Crises: Women in Migration Mobilize for Transformative, Rights-based Policies (March 8, 2022)
WIMN calls for human mobility, migrant women’s human rights in climate deliberations and action plans WIMN statement during COP26. (November 12, 2021)
Bridging the Climate Crisis, Gender and Migration [en español] El vínculo entre la crisis climática, género y migración – WIMN Briefing document. Global Forum on Migration and Development, Civil Society Days, Quito, Ecuador (January 2020)
From Members, Partners and Allies
Pro-Worker Climate Migration Framework. Policy Brief from AFL-CIO, a WIMN member (March 2024)
Decent Work at the Nexus Between Climate Change and Migration. Issue Brief from International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), a WIMN member (2024)
Forced Displacement in the Context of Conflicts and Climate Change. Public Services International (PSI), a WIMN member (December 2023)
Ensuring Safe and Regular Migration for Women and Girls in the Context of Climate Change. A Policy Brief from UN Women (2023)
Climate Related Displacement: Climate Crisis Heightens Inequalities, Drives Precarious Migration. Global Coalition on Migration Spotlight Report, April 28, 2022. Catherine Tactaquin, WIMN member.
Climate Induced Migration. An Issue Brief from Women and Gender Constituency, UNFCCC. (2019)
A Rights Based Approach for Climate Migrants. Online article by Genevieve Gencianos of Public Services International, a WIMN member, for International Migrants Day (December 2019)