Building a feminist migration policy to create a future of equity.

With a eleven-year track record of putting gender concerns on the global migration policy agenda, we are connecting issues like climate change, labor rights and economic justice to build a holistic, integrated, cross-sectoral analysis.
WIMN brings together women’s, migrant, and human rights organizations, as well as labor and faith-based groups working at national, regional, and global levels. We are catalyzing more powerful movements and building a more equitable future!
Thematic Work
WIMN is playing a key civil society role to help shape the new global architecture on global migration.

Lifting Women's Voices
Helping to lead the way for social change

Building Analysis
Bringing the experience of women in migration to collective social analysis.

Working Across Sectors
Connecting across diverse sectors, local to global, for policy change.

Promoting Intersectional Feminist Organizing
Reaching across silos, breaking down barriers, honoring intersecting identities.

Engaging in Policy Advocacy
Building movements, advancing rights-based policies and practices towards a feminist migration policy.
Protection of the labour and human rights of migrant workers
The UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants, Felipe González Morales, shared his latest report, Protection of the Labour and Human Rights of Migrant Workers, in July. The report highlights the human rights challenges faced by migrant workers, analyzing...
The transformative power of intersectionality – Robert Bosch-Stiftung
Robert Bosch Stiftung has just published a new e-booklet -- The Transformative Power of Intersectionality. Women in Migration Network was one of eleven organizations participating a Bosch foundation program exploring intersectionality. The e-booklet -- available in...
Insights from the Intersectional Dialogues on Migration
Download the reports - available in English, Spanish and French:The report was launched on July 13 with a virtual event highlighting voices from leading regional organizations from Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. You can access the...