Lifting Women’s Voices
We begin with the lived experience of women in migration to build collective analysis and agendas for social change. We affirm the agency and necessary voice of those women and girls who experience displacement, migration, the migration of loved ones, and return.
WIMN has worked through education, cross-sectoral dialogue and advocacy to center the agendas and voices of women in migration who are directly impacted by adverse policies. WIMN is engaged in leadership development and accompaniment to support grassroots women in migration organizations in accessing regional and global policy spaces.
Examples of our work lifting women’s voices
- Pilot leadership development project — LIGA — Leadership in Global Advocacy
- Collaboration with IMUMI and Bloque Latinoamericano in regional capacity-building series
- Feminist Fridays — Conversations about Labor Migration from a Feminist Lens.
- Climate Webinars
- CSW 67 parallel event organized by GAATW, Women, Work, Migration and Technology
- WIMN Pledge to 2022 UN International Migration Review Forum (IMRF)
- Bloque Latinoamericano, representing WIMN at UN Women November 2022 launch of Women Migrant HR Defender Guidance Note.
- UN Network on Migration Newsletter, November 2021

WIMN is working across sectors to build a bottom-up feminist migration policy agenda that addresses the nexus of climate, gender and migration, incorporating the urgent need for rights-based and gender responsive regular pathways and the regularization of undocumented migrants, as well as core labor standards.
Our Throughlines
While multiple factors drive migration and impact migrants, WIMN has focused on three priority throughlines in our organizing and advocacy: Climate Change, Labor Rights, and Regularization. Here are some examples of how our work Lifting Women’s Voices intersects with and impacts these throughlines.
This is a work in progress — please check back soon!